
23-27 JUNE


34th SIBMAS Conference
2024.Hong Kong

Browser or download the conference handbook HERE

23 June 2024 (Sun)
Conference Day 1

1430 – 1500

Welcoming Ceremony

at Tea House Theatre, Xiqu Centre

1500 – 1530

Thematic Talk 1

Programme Strategies and the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Tea House Theatre

Dr PK CHEUNG and Ms Naomi CHUNG (HK)

1530 – 1730

Xiqu Performance “Tea House Experience” (Cantonese Opera) 

at Tea House Theatre, Xiqu Centre

1800 – 2100

Welcoming Dinner

24 June 2024 (Mon)
Conference Day 2

0930 – 1045

Registration (L1 Foyer)

1045 – 1130

Opening Ceremony (LT)

1145 – 1245

Keynote Lecture 1 (LT)

Intercultural Perspectives on Documenting Performance

Dr Toni SANT (UK) 

1245 – 1345


1345 – 1545

Paper Presentation – Session 1 (LT)

Documentation, Education and Heritage of the Performing Arts


Paper Presentation – Session 2 (ICR)

Panel Discussion (1) & 

Dance, Dance Making and the Dance Archives (1)

1545 – 1600

Coffee Break

1600 – 1630

Thematic Talk 2 (LT)

The Strategies and Challenges of Establishing “Memory of the World – Chinese Traditional Music Sound Archives”

Dr SHAO Xiaojie (Mainland)

1630 – 1830

Paper Presentation – Session 3 (LT)

History, Theatre Making and the Performance’s Archives

Paper Presentation – Session 4 (ICR)

Audience, Participation and the Dramaturgical Approaches of Collecting

1915 – 2045

Visit 1

Archive of Chung Ying Theatre Company


Visit 2

Film Screening and Director Sharing of “Bamboo Theatre” at Goethe-Institut

25 June 2024 (Tue)
Conference Day 3

0930 – 1000

Registration (L1 Foyer)

1000 – 1100

Keynote Lecture 2 (LT)

The Challenges of the Theatre Museum Amidst and Beyond the Pandemic: Digital Archiving and Revitalization Practices of Japanese Theatre

Dr Minako OKAMURO (JP)

1100 – 1130

Coffee Break (L1 Foyer)

1130 – 1330

Paper Presentation – Session 5 (LT)

Representation of Performing Arts in an Exhibition Context


Paper Presentation – Session 6 (ICR)

Performing and Interpreting the Archive

1330 – 1430


1430 – 1530

Thematic Talk 3 (LT)

From Documenting Movement to Performance: A Case Study of Hong Kong Dance Company’s Convergence
Mr YANG Yuntao (HK)

Thematic Talk 4 (LT)

Documenting Theatre with Documentary Theatre: A Case Study of The Pedra Sidequel

Ms Jenny MOK (Macao)

1530 – 1600

Presentations of Hong Kong’s Publication on Performing Arts (LT)

Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Unlock Dancing Plaza
International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)

1600 – 1700

Visit to CUHK Library

1800 – 2000

Visit 3

Hong Kong Central Library

Visit 4

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Library

26 June 2024 (Wed)
Conference Day 4

0930 – 1000

Registration (L1 Foyer)

1000 – 1100

Keynote Lecture 3 (LT)

Words, Space and Enacting the Archive

Dr Ashutosh POTDAR (IN)

1100 – 1130

Coffee Break (L1 Foyer)

1130 – 1330

Paper Presentation – Session 7 (LT)

Panel Discussion (2) & 

Dance, Dance Making and the Dance Archives (2)


Paper Presentation – Session 8 (ICR)

Dramaturgical Possibilities of Digital Archiving

1330 – 1430


1430 – 1530

Thematic Talk 5 (LT)

Dynamizing the Archive through Documentation, Creation and Promotion: A Case Study of Centre 42 Singapore

Ms MA Yanling (SG)


Thematic Talk 6 (LT)

Exploring History from a Future Perspective—archival reading and curatorial consciousness in “Dialectic”, a NTCH’s 35th anniversary series

Ms CHOW Ling-Chih (TW)

1530 – 1630

Keynote Lecture 4 (LT)

Arts as Documentation, Documentation as Criticism, Criticism as Arts: Life and Times of Documentation as Criticism

Mr Danny YUNG (HK)

1630 – 1645

Conclusion and Farewell (LT)

1645 – 1745

SIBMAS General Assembly (LT)

27 June 2024 (Thu)
Conference Day 5 (Optional Excursion)

1030 – 1230

Guided Tour

Cantonese Opera Heritage Hall, Hong Kong Heritage Museum

1230 – 1400


1430 – 1600

Guided Tour

Tai Kwun, a Conservation and Revitalisation of Heritage Project

  • All time references are Hong Kong time
  • LT = Lecture Theatre (CYT LT1A)
  • ICR = Interactive Conference Room (CYT 203)